Army worm Spodoptera litura (F) is one of the potential pests that attack lettuce plants and can cause yield losses. Botanical pesticides from garlic are an alternative to control this. This study aims to determine the most effective concentration and the LC50 value of garlic-based botanical pesticides on the mortality of army worms. This study used a one-factor completely randomized design (CRD) method in the form of botanical pesticides treatment of neem leaf extract (M) with 5 concentration levels with 5 replications; P1 = control, P2 = 10% garlic extract (30 ml extract mixed with 270 ml water), P3 = 20% garlic extract (60 ml extract mixed with 240 ml water), P4 = 30% garlic extract (90 ml extract mixed with 210 ml of water). The treatment of botanical pesticides from garlic caused death of army worms, the most effective concentration was P2 with a mortality of 68% and a mortality rate of 2.5 larva/ hr. The LC50-48, LC50-60 and LC50-72 hr values were 28.09%, 24.09% and 19.10%, respectively.