The development of scientifically substantiated methods for studying the mechanisms of complex reactions with the use of computer programs remains a problem of considerable current interest to the inter national scientific community. Methods for construct ing the mathematical models of the mechanisms of complex chemical reactions were described [1]. The mechanisms of catalytic reactions were studied with the use of graph theory methods [2,3]. A theoretical graph approach was also proposed [4] for determining balance relationships between the kinetic equations of biochemical systems. The DRGEP method for con structing a kinetic model and removing redundant species from the mechanism was automated and described [5]. The graph theory apparatus was also used to describe chemical equilibrium in complex chemical reactions [6,7]. A theoretical graph approach was used for abridging the system of chemi cal reaction networks [8]. To a larger degree, this is due to the fact that currently available computer technologies make it possible to obtain reliable technological solutions and to develop a conve nient interface for specialists in the design of chemical processes.The inverse problems of chemical kinetics-the determination of the rate constants of chemical reac tions based on kinetic measurements-occupy a spe cial position in the mathematical simulation of the kinetics of complex chemical reactions [9]. The absence of experimental information on intermediate substances leads to the ambiguous solutions of the inverse problems. The information content of kinetic measurements was analyzed previously [10]. An algo rithm was constructed for the analysis of information content based on the theory of implicit functions and the functional Jacobi matrices. The problem consists in the complexity of the test systems as a result of their large dimensionality and the nonlinearity of mathe matical descriptions.Spivak and coauthors [11,12] posed the problem of analyzing the information content of kinetic measure ments based on the decomposition (paralleling) of the original problem into subproblems of smaller dimen sionality, which have a physicochemical interpreta tion. The system of independent routes became the basis for the decomposition. Spivak and Ismagilova [11] described a methodology for the analysis of the information content of kinetic measurements. As a result of the proposed algebraic interpretation, algo rithms were developed for the determination of the number and form of independent nonlinear paramet ric functions of kinetic constants, which can be unam biguously evaluated based on the accessible kinetic information.The aim of this work was to develop methods for the computer analysis of graphs that correspond to the mechanisms of complex chemical reactions. This mathematical support and software will become the basis of the wide use of these algorithms.Determination of the basis of routes in the mecha nism of a complex chemical reaction. The development of computer analysis methods can be based on the the ory of stead...