Purified T5' DNA in nicked form and after repair of the specific single-strand interruptions with DNA ligase was used in transcription studies using Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (holoenzyme) in the presence and absence of E. coli termination protein rho. The transcriptional products were analyzed with respect to their size distribution and the sequences transcribed from the different templates. The results indicate that the single-strand breaks in the DNA of bacteriophage T5, though in genetically defined positions, do not have any specific effect on transcription in vitro. Furthermore, the E. coli rho protein, although it depresses net RNA synthesis and reduces the average molecular weight of the transcripts, seems to act in a non-specific way in this system.The chromosome of bacteriophage T5 is unique in that it possesses single-strand interruptions in genetically defined positions [1,2]. One strand of the linear duplex is intact [3,4] whereas the other contains 4 to 5 interruptions (henceforth called "nicks") whose locations along the DNA molecule have been determined [3,5-71. Another unique feature of phage T5 is its mode of infection: in a first step, only 8 % of the genome is injected into the host cell, and protein synthesis directed by this fraction of the DNA, the first-step-transfer DNA, is a prerequisite for the transfer of the residual 92% of the chromosome [8,9]. Furthermore, after infection bacteriophage T5 expresses its genes in a well-defined sequence resulting in at least three classes of proteins [lo] and corresponding groups of RNA [ 11,121. The specific location of the nicks in the T5 DNA molecule has led to a number of hypotheses about their possible function. We were interested in whether or not those nicks play a role in the transcriptional process of the T5' genome. We have therefore investigated the template properties of T5+ DNA in a transcriptional system in vitro using DNA extracted from phage T5' in nicked form and after the nicks have been sealed by DNA ligase. In these experiments Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (holoenzyme) and Enzymes. DNA ligase (EC 6.5