Measurement of the two-photon absorption cross-section of liquid argon with a time projection chamber I Badhrees, A Ereditato, I Kreslo et al. . The detector we have designed and tested allowed us also to measure the two-photon absorption cross-section (σex) of LAr with unprecedented accuracy and precision, appropriate for using the UV laser technique also for a quantitative calibration of the detector.
IntroductionThe liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LAr TPC) detector technology allows for uniform and high resolution imaging of massive detector volumes. The operating principle of the LAr TPC is based on the undistorted transport of tracks of ionizing electrons in highly purified LAr by a uniform electric field over distances up to a few metres. Imaging is provided by wire planes or other read-out devices placed at the end of the drift path. The drifting electrons are collected by the outermost wire plane which gives position and calorimetric information. Additional planes with different orientation can be positioned in front of the collection plane to record the signal induced by the passage of the drifting electrons. This provides different projective views of the same event thus allowing space point reconstruction. The third coordinate is given by the measurements of the drift time given by the time interval between the passage of the ionizing particle in the active volume (t 0 ) and the arrival of the drifting electrons on the wire planes. The t 0 can come from the detection of the scintillation light of liquid Argon by means of photomultipliers, or from an external source. The particle momentum of an incoming particle is inferred by the measurement of its multiple scattering [2], while the detection of the local energy deposition provides particle identification. For more information, the reader is referred to [1] and references therein quoted.A very large LAr TPC with a mass ranging from 10 kton to 100 kton would produce an important physics output thanks to the excellent event reconstruction performance [3,4,5,6,7]. The purity of the liquid Argon is a key ingredient to achieve imaging over long drift distances (>5 m), needed for building such a large masses. In particular, a purity corresponding to less than 0.1 ppb of electronegative elements such as Oxygen, has to be achieved in order to allow