In the framework of Nambu Mechanics, we have recently argued that Non-Hamiltonian Chaotic Flows in R 3 , are dissipation induced deformations, of integrable volume preserving flows, specified by pairs of Intersecting Surfaces in R 3 . In the present work we focus our attention to the Lorenz system with a linear dissipative sector in its phase space dynamics.In this case the Intersecting Surfaces are Quadratic. We parametrize its dissipation strength through a continuous control parameter , acting homogeneously over the whole 3-dim. phase space. In the extended -Lorenz system we find a scaling relation between the dissipation strength and Reynolds number parameter r . It results from the scale covariance, we impose on the Lorenz equations under arbitrary rescalings of all its dynamical coordinates.Its integrable limit, ( = 0, fixed r), which is described in terms of intersecting Quadratic Nambu "Hamiltonians" Surfaces, gets mapped on the infinite value limit of the Reynolds number parameter ( r → ∞, = 1). In effect weak dissipation, through small values, generates and controls the well explored Route to Chaos in the large r-value regime. The non-dissipative = 0 integrable limit is therefore the gateway to Chaos for the Lorenz system. † The present work is dedicated to the memory of Prof. J.S.Nicolis