Study of the process e + e − → π + π − π 0 in the energy region √ s from 0.98 to 1.38 GeV. The cross section of the process e + e − → π + π − π 0 was measured in the Spherical Neutral Detector experiment at the VEPP-2M collider in the energy region √ s = 980 ÷ 1380 MeV. The measured cross section, together with the e + e − → π + π − π 0 and ωπ + π − cross sections obtained in other experiments, was analyzed in the framework of the generalized vector meson dominance model. It was found that the experimental data can be described by a sum of ω, φ mesons and two ω ′ and ω ′′ resonances contributions, with masses m ω ′ ∼ 1490, m ω ′′ ∼ 1790 MeV and widths Γ ω ′ ∼ 1210, Γ ω ′′ ∼ 560 MeV. The analysis of the π + π − invariant mass spectra in the energy region √ s from 1100 to 1380 MeV has shown that for their description one should take into account the e + e − → ωπ 0 → π + π − π 0 mechanism also. The phase between the amplitudes corresponding to the e + e − → ωπ and e + e − → ρπ intermediate states was measured for the first time. The value of the phase is close to zero and depends on energy.
I. INTRODUCTIONThe cross section of hadron production in the e + e − annihilation in the energy region √ s < 1.03 GeV can be described within the vector meson dominance model (VDM) framework and is determined by the transitions of light vector mesons (ρ, ω, φ) into the final states. The light vector mesons have been studied rather well. They are quark-antiquark qq (q = u, d, s) bound states, and their masses, widths and main decays have been measured with high accuracy 1 . The cross section for hadron production above the φ(1020) resonance ( √ s ≃ 1.03-2 GeV) cannot be described in the conventional VDM framework (taking into account ρ, ω and φ mesons only) indicating the existence of states with vector meson quantum numbers I G (J P C ) = 1 + (1 −− ), 0 − (1 −− ) and with masses of about 1450, 1650 MeV. Parameters of these states are not well established due to inaccurate and conflicting experimental data. The nature of these states is not clear either. In some reviews of experimental data they are considered as a mixture of qq with 4-quark qqqq and hybrid qqg states 2-5 . On the other hand, the experimental data do not contradict *