The article presents the results of surveys on public transport and road infrastructure of Radom. There were 855 questionnaires obtained. The 19 questions of the survey were used. The survey, in addition to questions about age and gender, contained questions with specific answer options with single or multiple choice and questions in which the respondent rated the various elements of the transport system. From 8 questions, a 5-point Liekert scale was created as a basis for evaluating public transportation and road infrastructure. The reliability of the scale was assessed using the standardized Cronbach's coefficient. The analysis was done in selected groups of respondents with respect to age of respondents, gender of respondents and with respect to both characteristics simultaneously. Using the chi-square test of independence, the dependence of the scores on the age and gender of the respondents was examined. To compare the significance of differences in ratings between the separate groups of respondents, the test of significance of averages was used. The results of the survey indicate that although the overall rating is positive, due to the high percentage of negative ratings, it is necessary to take measures to improve, among other things: safety at bus stops and public transportation vehicles, availability and distribution of parking spaces. The results of the survey were compared with the results of previous surveys. Compared to the 2014 survey, a significant improvement was found in the condition of road infrastructure and the condition and distribution of bike lanes.