Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a major health problem that causes an extraordinary number of incidents in Indonesia. Fever is an infectious disease that still infects people throughout the world. The aim of this research is to analyze the prevention of dengue fever in society, especially in the Majalengka Regency. The research used is qualitative research, using phenomenological methods. Phenomenology requires seeing and hearing deeper explanations of events as well as personal understanding of these events. Based on the findings of the study, prevention of dengue fever in the community, particularly in Majalengka Regency, is as follows: 1) Early Warning and Prevention System for Dengue Fever, PSN is a safer, more affordable and easier eradication technique. Efforts to control dengue fever vectors are mostly directed at this program because it is government policy, although the success of this approach is very dependent on community involvement; 2) The Role of the Family in Preventing DHF, 89.1% of those surveyed said they did not take any preventive measures. DHF is recommended because the majority of respondents maintain water reservoirs with existing plants, there are cans scattered in the yard and house, there are larvae in the water reservoirs, the water reservoirs are not closed, and mosquitoes develop; 3) Carrying out tracking and assessment. From the results of in-depth interviews, it shows that the implementation of monitoring and evaluation is not good, where the implementation is only 45%. Informants from the health service and the Community Health Center gave the answer: carrying out monitoring and evaluation.