We have developed a computational approach for the design and prediction of hydrophobic cores that includes explicit backbone¯exibility. The program consists of a two-stage combination of a genetic algorithm and monte carlo sampling using a torsional model of the protein. Backbone structures are evaluated either by a canonical force-®eld or a constraining potential that emphasizes the preservation of local geometry. The utility of the method for protein design and engineering is explored by designing three novel hydrophobic core variants of the protein 434 cro. We use the new method to evaluate these and previously designed 434 cro variants, as well as a series of phage T4 lysozyme variants. In order to properly evaluate the in¯uence of backbone¯exibility, we have also analyzed the effects of varying amounts of side-chain¯exibility on the performance of ®xed backbone methods. Comparison of results using a ®xed versus¯exible backbone reveals that, surprisingly, the two methods are almost equivalent in their abilities to predict relative experimental stabilities, but only when full side-chain¯exibility is allowed. The prediction of core side-chain structure can vary dramatically between methods. In some, but not all, cases the¯exible backbone method is a better predictor of structure. The development of a¯exible backbone approach to core design is particularly important for attempts at de novo protein design, where there is no prior knowledge of a precise backbone structure.