Changes in protein mobility accompany changes in conformation during the trans-activation of enzymes; however, few studies exist that validate or characterize this behavior. In this study, amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange͞mass spectrometry was used to probe the conformational flexibility of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase-2 before and after activation by phosphorylation. The exchange data indicated that extracellular regulated protein kinase-2 activation caused altered backbone flexibility in addition to the conformational changes previously established by x-ray crystallography. The changes in flexibility occurred in regions involved in substrate binding and turnover, suggesting their importance in enzyme regulation.T he mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase extracellular regulated protein kinase-2 (ERK2) plays a central role in signaling pathways regulating cell growth and differentiation in eukaryotic cells. Phosphorylation at Thr-183 or Tyr-185 by MAP kinase (MAPK) kinase-1͞2 leads to Ͼ1,000-fold enhanced specific kinase activity, resulting in elevated phosphorylation of cellular targets including transcription factors and downstream kinases (1). ERK2 presents an attractive model system for understanding regulated changes involved in enzyme activation, because x-ray structures are available for both inactive, unphosphorylated (ERK) and active diphosphorylated (ppERK) kinases (2, 3).X-ray structures of ERK2 show features conserved in protein kinase catalytic cores (2, 4) (Fig. 1b). These include the Nterminal lobe (1-5 and helix ␣C) and the larger C-terminal lobe (helices ␣D-␣I and 6-9), which are responsible for nucleotide and protein substrate binding, respectively, and which surround residues in the catalytic cleft that facilitate phosphoryl transfer. A hinge joins the two lobes and serves as the pivot for domain closure, a conformational change associated with formation of the ternary enzyme-substrate complex (5). The phosphorylation sites in ERK2 are contained in the activation lip, a key site for regulatory phosphorylation and substrate recognition in protein kinases (4, 6).Phosphorylation causes major rearrangements within the activation lip and the adjacent P ϩ 1 protein substrate specificity site (3, 7) (Fig. 1a). These structural rearrangements create a competent substrate binding pocket and properly orient residues necessary for phosphoryl transfer. In addition, phosphorylation induces structural changes in a C-terminal extension (L16), forming a homodimerization interface and stable dimers in active ppERK, but not in inactive ERK (8) (Fig. 1 b and c). Minor structural changes also occur within the MAPK insert (␣1L14 and ␣2L14) where side-chain interactions with the activation lip are disrupted (Fig. 1 b and c).Limited information is available on kinase flexibility and dynamics, factors that are presumably critical to the regulation of enzyme activity. Advances in hydrogen exchange͞mass spectrometry (HX͞MS) enable analysis of solution conformational ensembles for larger proteins ...