According to their low density, high strength/weight ratio, and good castability, magnesium alloys offer a variety of opportunities for structural applications in automotive and aeronautical industries. Among the magnesium alloy family, AZ91D is one of the most popular since it has good mechanical properties and behaves satisfactory under atmospheric and even marine environment. [1] However, AZ91D is unsuitable for use at temperatures above 120°C due to its poor creep resistance and low strength at elevated temperature. [2] Therefore, many new magnesium alloys have been developed to remedy this problem.The AXJ530 magnesium alloy, developed by General Motors R&D Center (MI, USA), is one of these promising alloys made to offer a good creep resistance at elevated temperature. [3] The corrosion behavior of die-cast AXJ530 specimens has been studied by cyclic salt spray corrosion test and the measured corrosion rates were found to be close to those of die-cast AZ91D specimens. [3] However, in order to better understand the involved corrosion mechanisms, it is important to examine the corrosion behavior of AXJ530 alloy in different conditions with more advanced electrochemical methods.In the present work, the corrosion properties of die-cast and thixocast specimens of AXJ530 magnesium alloy were studied in alkaline solution. Their corrosion performances were determined using potentiodynamic polarization method, electrochemical noise analysis (ENA), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and immersion tests. Figure 1 shows SEM micrographs of die-cast and thixocast AXJ530 specimens. The microstructure of die-cast specimens ( Fig. 1(a)) consists of primary a-Mg dendrites (dark) surrounded by eutectic constituent (light grey). Figures 1(b) and 1(c) show the typical microstructure of specimens obtained by thixocasting, characterized by a-Mg particles pre-existing in the semi-solid state, i.e. at 592°C. These particles are surrounded by a fine microstructure composed of primary a-Mg dendrites (dark) and eutectic (light grey). Previous studies have shown that the aluminum concentration in pre-existing a-Mg phase or primary a-Mg phase formed during the solidification range between 1.3 and 1.5 wt %. [4] The eutectic in both die-cast and thixocast specimens is composed of a-Mg phase and a (Mg,Al) 2 Ca compound. [5,6] Strontium-rich phases were also observed, but their exact stoichiometry is uncertain. Al-Mn particles (white) were also visible in all specimens. Figure 2 shows the polarization curves of AXJ530 specimens in alkaline solution. All specimens exhibit a self-passivation which indicates that a protective passive film forms immediately after immersion. Thixocast specimens (AXJ530-SFTC and AXJ530-ESTC) do not show well defined pitting potential, which usually marks the irreversible breakdown of the passive film. In this case, estimated pitting potentials were determined as the potentials for which a slight but visible hydrogen evolution was observed; these points (E pit ) are indicated on each polarization curve in ...