The thousands of tertiary structural motifs known among natural proteins are built up from a handful of regular secondary structures, mostly a helices and b sheets, which are linked by b turns and larger loops. Sequence-stability relationships for a helices [1][2][3] and for antiparallel b sheets [4][5][6][7] have been widely explored using autonomously folding peptides, an experimental approach that eliminates the potentially confounding influence of a specific tertiary context. In contrast, a minimal parallel b sheet cannot readily be generated within a conventional peptide because the N terminus of one strand is necessarily distant from the C terminus of a neighboring strand. A continuous peptide design for a parallel b sheet would require a long interstrand loop, introducing significant tertiary packing effects or an entropic penalty for folding, either of which would compromise the analysis. Thus, novel strategies are required to elucidate the factors that govern parallel-b-sheet stability. [8,9] Herein we use recently developed tools, including short nonpeptidic units for connecting peptide strands through their C termini, [10,11] to explore a fundamental question: does parallel-b-sheet secondary structure become more stable as the strands grow longer? The a helix is well known to be stabilized by increasing length.[12-15] a-Helix initiation (ordering of the first four residues, to enable formation of the first intrahelical H-bond) entails a large entropic cost, which can be offset by a small but favorable energetic gain from propagation (incorporation of individual residues into a preexisting helix). [16][17][18] The longer the a helix, the larger the net thermodynamic benefit from propagation, if the residues have a favorable helix propensity. In contrast, antiparallel-bsheet secondary structure appears to be subject to an intrinsic limit on strand length. [19] The relationship between strand length and parallel-b-sheet stability has not previously been addressed. This gap in experimentation may underlie the relatively limited theoretical treatment of b-sheet formation, [20][21][22] especially for parallel b sheets, [20] which stands in contrast to the extensive theoretical analysis of a-helical folding. [16][17][18] Herein, we show that parallel b sheets becomes steadily more stable as the strands are lengthened, if the added residues have a high b-sheet propensity.Our experimental design is outlined in Figure 1 a. A diamine segment containing d-proline is used to link two strand-forming peptide segments through their C termini. [10,23] This linker promotes but does not strictly enforce bsheet interactions between attached strands in aqueous solution. The extent of b-sheet formation is monitored by NMR spectroscopy [24,25] by measuring a-proton chemical shifts (dC a H) at "indicator" residues (black dots) within the core segment (black) as the strands are extended incrementally (blue). The indicator residues are insulated from the extension segments by an intervening residue; therefore, changes in dC a H...