The results of a review of the epizootiological and epidemiological situation on anthrax around the world in 2023 and the forecast of morbidity in the Russian Federation in 2024 are presented. In 2023, a complication of the epizootiological and epidemiological situation on this infection was recorded in Russia. Seven outbreaks of anthrax with infection of 14 farm animals and 19 humans were registered in five constituent entities of three federal districts (Volga, Siberian, and Central Federal Districts). Epizootiological and epidemiological instability due to the anthrax was detected in four neighboring countries: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. Anthrax among farm and wild animals was recorded in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America. Cases of human disease were reported in Africa, Asia and Europe. Human infections occurred during contact with infected animals, products of animal origin, consumption of meat from sick/fallen livestock and wild animals. The incidence rate of anthrax in animals and humans in Russia in 2024 will correlate with the completeness of registration and specific immunization coverage of susceptible animals and persons from groups with high occupational risk of infection. With proper implementation of all preventive measures and effective surveillance of infection, anthrax incidence in the entities of the Russian Federation will amount to isolated cases.