The prediction of flame transfer functions, particularly in practically relevant systems, remains challenging and computationally demanding. Numerical approaches are a valuable addition to experimental acoustic characterizations of industrial configurations. Conventionally, fully compressible numerical simulations are used that naturally include acoustic fluctuations in their computations, but can be computationally expensive depending on the configuration. Therefore, a convenient approach to use tailored numerics for the underlying physics is considered in this work. In this work, this is realized by applying a runtime-coupled method of computational fluid dynamics and computational aeroacoustics to a single-sector aero-engine combustor. This hybrid computational fluid dynamics and computational aeroacoustics method captures fluid flow behavior and combustion dynamics in a low-Mach computational fluid dynamics domain while allowing for acoustic perturbations in the computational aeroacoustics. Runtime exchange of hydrodynamic and acoustic quantities between the two solvers allows for a bidirectional coupling and, by extension, a complete description of the combustion system. In this work, the hybrid computational fluid dynamics and computational aeroacoustics is applied in a high-fidelity large eddy simulation configuration. The flame transfer function is evaluated for both compressible and hybrid simulations. The results for both numerical approaches are validated with each other and compared to the experimentally obtained flame transfer function. Finally, the computational effort for the numerical approaches is considered. This article presents the first application of a high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics framework using large eddy simulation with bidirectional coupling with the acoustic solver to an industry-relevant configuration. The aim is to provide a roadmap towards investigating thermoacoustic instabilities in a real gas turbine engine at reduced computational costs.