In an intercomparison study three low alloy steel materials were analyzed on their content of the trace element Mg, and five different analytical techniques were used, namely spark‐OES, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP‐OES), inductively coupled plasma time of flight mass spectrometry (ICP‐TOFMS), inductively coupled plasma quadrupole mass spectrometry (ICP‐QMS), and glow discharge mass spectrometry (GD‐MS). Solid steel discs were used for analysis with spark‐OES and GD‐MS. For the analyses with ICP‐OES, ICP‐TOFMS, and ICP‐QMS steel chips were wet‐digested in aqua regia, and the wet‐digestion was performed either in polypropylene tubes placed in a heating block or in Teflon pressure vessels using a microwave assisted system. The Mg concentrations obtained for the three steel materials were: 2.0, 2.8, and 10.3 µg g−1, respectively, and the spread in results was acceptable, giving RSD values in the range of 20–30%.