is nearly 20 years old-youthful compared with many of the JAMA Network journals! The biggest news for the journal this year was the impressive jump in our impact factor to 2.7, which positions the journal in the top echelon among journals that publish similar content. 1 As we have attracted higher-quality scientific submissions, our acceptance rate for research manuscripts has now dipped to 24% (last year the rate was 33%) (Table ). We will be carefully monitoring this trend because we wish to be inclusive and inviting to our research community while striving to be selective in showcasing the very best work of our colleagues.What is special about our journal is the merger at times of science with pop culture and current trends in facial perception and aesthetics. In a previous editorial, I discussed that published articles can have marked impressions in several different ways, that is, citations, downloads, and Altmetric score (media and social media attention). 5 In terms of media attention, 2017 was clearly the year of lip aesthetics, as our top 3 Altmetric score articles all relate to this topic in 3 different article types-Original Investigation, 2 Research Letter, 3 and an Invited Commentary 4 (Table ).We are proud to welcome our newest editorial board members as of February 2018: Matthew Hanasono (editorial board), Leila Freire, and Li Zhanqiang (international advisory board). Steve Dayan will continue to serve as an editorial board member but also will be taking on the Web and Social Media Editor role, bringing his enthusiasm and special talents in this realm. I would like to thank our outgoing members on our leadership team-Jonathan Sykes, José Patrocinio, Santdeep Paun, David Kim, and Sachin Pawar. Their wisdom and many contributions were instrumental in helping our journal reach this new level of success and achievement.Finally, I would like to acknowledge and thank our fantastic reviewers. We are so fortunate to have such dedicated reviewers who give so freely of their time and expertise to shape the content of our journal. These individuals are recognized in our online list of peer reviewers published simultaneously with this editorial. 6 The year 2018 promises to be an even more exciting year for the journal and the JAMA Network!