E5lEnT / K FLH, Eq. (2.7), and a strong collision broadening factor Fsc, Eq. (4.1). The detailed dependence of the broadening factor Fsc (ko/k,) on the reduced pressure ko/k, has been expressed by Eq. (6.1) for sufficiently narrow fall-off curves at low temperatures T(where 1 L F:Zt 1 0.4), by Eqs. (6.2) and (6.4) for broader fall-off curves at higher T (where 1 1 FZZ, L 0.2), or by Eqs. (6.3) -(6.6) for still higher T and/or better precisions. The amplitude F:Zt of the broadening factor has been represented by Eqs. (5.1)-(5.8).Concluding this work we demonstrate the results from Eqs.(5.1) -(5.5) and (6.3) -(6.6) by a comparison with RRKM calculations, for various examples from Table l, in Figs. 7 and 8. The agreement in most cases is quite satisfactory. For better precision, detailed statistical calculations are required. It should be finally noted that the even simpler empirical representation of the temperature dependence of the center broadening factor in the form of Eq. (5.9) in F,,,, should not only include F:$ but also the weak collision contribution. Then, the agreement between Eq. (5.9) and results from Fig. 8 generally still improves. This will be demonstrated in part I1 [3].
ReaktionskinetikThe master equation of thermal unimolecular reactions in the fall-off range has been solved for a number of representative molecular systems. (ko/k,) are derived and represented empirically. Weak collision efficiencies / 3, for the low pressure range are calculated for very high temperatures. Combined with earlier representations (part I) of strong collision broadening factors Fsc (ko/km), compact empirical expressions for the rate coefficient in the full fall-off range are proposed. These expressions are useful for data representation and modeling of complex reaction systems which involve isomerization, dissociation and recombination reactions.
Weak collision broadening factors Fwc