“…7, it is also noted thatφ n+P = φ 0 + φ [(n + P )T s ]. After D/A conversion, the continuous-time signal at the future time t + τ 0 can be written aŝ t+τ0) = y(t + τ 0 )e −j(φ0+φ(t+τ0)) (11) whereẑ(t + τ 0 ), y(t + τ 0 ),φ (t + τ 0 ) andφ(t + τ 0 ) are the continuous-time signals of the discrete sequencesẑ n , y n , ϕ n+P andφ [(n + P )T s ] respectively. Then the transmitted signal is given bŷ s(t + τ 0 ) = Re ẑ(t + τ 0 )e j(ωc(t+τ0)+φ(t+τ0))…”