A new trichloroethylene ͑TCE͒ sensor was developed by using a Pb-modified graphite strip electrode in an organic solution. The major factors of preparing electrode or sensing characteristics such as electrolyte concentration, electrodeposition current density, electrodeposition time, and temperature, for preparing electrodes, were explored. The results show that both the electrodeposition current density and time have a major and positive effect on the sensing reaction, while the electrodeposition temperature shows a negative effect. The best electrodeposition condition and electrolyte composition were obtained. Additionally, the optimal sensing condition is Ϫ2.10 V sensing potential ͑vs. Ag/Ag ϩ with 0.01 M ͓CH 3 (CH 2 ) 3 ͔ 4 NClO 4 in CH 3 CN solution͒, 100 rpm agitation rate and at 25°C with the 0.01 M ͓CH 3 (CH 2 ) 3 ͔ 4 NBF 4 electrolyte concentration in CH 3 CN solution. The correlation of sensing response current, i d , and TCE concentration, C L , is i d ϭ 7.065C L in the range from 0 to 700 ppm TCE concentration. Furthermore, the prepared electrode has 15 s response time ͑90% response time͒, and the stability is at least 60 days.Trichloroethylene ͑TCE͒ is a widely used organic solvent in industries such as electronic manufacturing, semiconductor process, plastics production, and organic synthesis. However, TCE is a hazardous material. People suffering from moderate exposures experience symptoms which are similar to alcohol inebriation, narcotic effects, and ventricular fibrillation, and at higher concentrations, death occurring after heavy exposure. Furthermore, TCE is also found to induce hepatocellular carcinomas. 1 Consequently, many countries have regulated to detect and monitor TCE in order to improve their environment and health care concerns in factories and industry.In the past, TCE concentration measurement was carried out directly by polarography using mercury as the working electrode. 2 However, mercury is a toxic material and causes serious bad effects to the environment. This method of sensing TCE is inconvenient, and not allowable in the field. Currently, many analytical techniques such as titration, 3 chromatography, 4-7 electrochemical method, 8 spectroscopy method, 9-11 photocatalytic method, 12,13 biochemical method, 14-16 and molecular imprinting method 17 have been applied to measure the concentration of TCE. However, all these methods had some disadvantages, for example, inaccuracy, high costs, poor stability, and long measurement times. Furthermore, all these mentioned analytical instruments cannot, in situ, apply in the field for continuous and automatic monitoring of TCE concentration. Sensors may be the most practical monitor setup because of their convenience, inexpensiveness, accuracy, and automation in situ measurement. Some TCE sensors have been developed such as fiber-opticbased on-line TCE sensor in a column retardation experiment 18 with complicated analysis procedure. The electroanalytical chemistry method with Ag electrode modified by zeolite 19 is unstable to TCE sensi...