Unlike in the developed countries, TV white spaces are abundant in India and rural broadband coverage is negligible. Government of India has an ambitious plan to connect 250,000 rural offices (Gram Panchayat) using optical fiber based point of presence (PoP); this will allay, but not solve the rural broadband coverage problem.In this work, a middle-mile multihop mesh network operating in the TV UHF band is presented as a solution to providing seamless connectivity between the Gram Panchayat and village users. This network can coexist with TV broadcasting via the License Shared Access mechanism. The main contribution of this paper is a throughput optimization tool. Given the demography information of rural areas, the desired broadband speed and contention ratio, available frequency, location of fiber PoP, and propagation path-loss models of the TV UHF band-our optimization tool computes optimal power and routing for the multihop mesh network. The analysis is performed at the physical layer. Time division multiple access and spatial reuse of frequency are used for interference management in this work. Simply put, given demography information, our optimization tool determines at what power will broadband coverage will be feasible in the rural areas. This tool's design is separable and it can be utilized in other areas of the world, where demography and path-loss models can be replaced. Our optimization tool will be exemplified using results from one demographic region in India.