A novel approach based on the merging of the out-of-equilibrium Green's function method with the ab-initio Density-Functional-Theory is used to describe the ultra-fast carriers relaxation in Silicon. The results are compared with recent two photon photo-emission measurements. We show that the interpretation of the carrier relaxation in terms of L → X inter-valley scattering is not correct. The ultra-fast dynamics measured experimentally is, instead, due to the scattering between degenerate L states that is activated by the non symmetric population of the conduction bands induced by the laser field. This ultra-fast relaxation is, then, entirely due to the specific experimental setup and it can be interpreted by introducing a novel definition of the quasi-particle lifetimes in an out-of-equilibrium context. PACS numbers: 78.47.J-,31.15.A-,78.47.D-Silicon (Si) is a fundamental building block of semiconductors physics and microelectronics industry [1]. The miniaturization of Si-based devices to the nano-scale regime and the never ending search for faster devices call for a deep understanding of the fundamental quantummechanical process that governs the ultra-short time dynamics of electrons and holes [2, 3]. Most of the knowledge of the electronic and optical properties of Si remain, however, limited to the equilibrium regime. Only recently the development of ultra-fast laser pulses [4, 5] has opened the opportunity to directly investigate the realtime dynamics in the non-equilibrium (NEQ) regime [6].In real-time experiments the system is initially perturbed with a short laser pulse (the pump) followed by a second weaker pulse (the probe) that measures a specific physical observable like, for example, the absorption [7,8] or the photo-emission [9, 10] spectra. The dynamics induced by the pump is, then, monitored by observing and analyzing the modifications induced in these observable by the presence of photo-excited carriers.Despite the enormous experimental interest and the continuous development of more refined experimental techniques, the simulation methods are still based either on equilibrium first-principles approaches or on NEQ model Hamiltonians.In the case of model Hamiltonians the relaxation paths can be calculated by using the non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) [2,11] or the Monte Carlo [12] methods. The advantage of these approaches is that the modifications induced by the presence of photo-excited charges is correctly taken into account in the evaluation of the scattering transitions. However ad-hoc parameters must be introduced to describe both the photo-excitation process and the specific material properties.First-principles simulations are commonly performed by using time-dependent Density-Functional Theory [13] or equilibrium Many-Body Perturbation Theory [14]. In the first case the coupling with the laser pulse is described but the dissipative processes are neglected [15,16] or described in an empirical way [17]. In the second case the laser pulse is replaced by some ad-hoc initial guess of the...