Experiments were conducted to study the aerodynamic interactions between a rotor and a fixed lifting surface. A low aspect ratio rectangular wing was positioned at different locations in a rotor flowfield to simulate the aerodynamic environment encountered by the wings of tilt-rotors or the empennage of helicopters. Steady and unsteady pressure measurements were made on the wing at various chordwise and spanwise stations for different combinations of rotor thrust and advance ratio. Flow visualization was performed using the wide-field shadowgraph method, which helped to identify the locations of the rotor wake relative to the rotor and wing. The results have shown that the lifting surface operates in a highly unsteady three-dimensional flow environment with regions of partial or complete flow separation. In addition, large unsteady loads were induced on the wing by the rotor and its wake. Nomenclature = time-dependent pressure coefficient, Cp = time-averaged pressure coefficient, 100(p -p^/Q.5ptl 2 R 2 C T = rotor thrust coefficient, T/pTr£l 2 R 4 c h = rotor blade chord, m c w = chord of lifting surface, m k = reduced frequency N h = number of rotor blades p = static pressure, N/m 2 R = rotor radius, m r = mondimensional rotor radius T = rotor thrust, N t = time, s Vj = time-averaged induced velocity, m/s V x = freestream velocity, m/s jt, y = wing coordinate system, m x h, y/i ~ rotor coordinate system relative to hub, m a s = rotor shaft angle (tip-path-plane angle), deg fji = advance ratio, VJtlR p = air density, kg/m 3 or = rotor solidity, N b c b /TrR i f f -blade azimuth angle, deg (1 = rotor rotational speed, rad/s a) = circular frequency, rad/s