“…Compared with traditional classification methods such as maximum likelihood classification, K-Means, ISODATA, and deep learning methods, non-parametric classification methods such as decision trees and support vector machines do not need to make too many assumptions about the data distribution, and have obvious advantages in solving problems such as small samples, nonlinearity, local minimums, etc. [1], [2], so they have been widely used in remote sensing data classification. In particular, the SVM algorithm does not require the assumption of normal distribution of the data, and has outstanding The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Zhihan Lv . advantages in solving small sample, nonlinear, and highdimensional data classification problems, so it is more suitable for classification problems in complex surface environments [3], [4], Such as urban scenes [5]- [9], crops [10]- [12], forests [13], [14], wetlands [15], and so on.…”