Smolich JJ, Mynard JP, Penny DJ. Dynamic characterization and hemodynamic effects of pulmonary waves in fetal lambs using cardiac extrasystoles and beat-by-beat wave intensity analysis. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 297: R428 -R436, 2009. First published June 3, 2009 doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00174.2009.-Steadystate wave intensity (WI) analysis indicates that characteristic midsystolic falls in fetal pulmonary trunk (PT) and artery (PA) blood flow are due to an extremely large backward-running compression wave (BCWms) that 1) originates from the pulmonary microvasculature by a combination of cyclical pulmonary vasoconstriction and vascular reflection of the forward-running compression wave (FCWis) associated with impulsive right ventricular ejection, and 2) is transmitted into the PT. However, no information is available about the dynamic properties of PA BCW ms and its contribution to beat-to-beat regulation of pulmonary hemodynamics. Accordingly, beat-by-beat WI analysis was performed during brief increases in ventricular contractility accompanying an extrasystole (ES) in nine anesthetized lategestation fetal sheep instrumented with PT and left PA micromanometer catheters to measure pressure (P) and transit-time flow probes to obtain blood velocity (U). WI was calculated as the product of P and U rates of change. At steady state, the magnitude of PA BCWms, and its associated P and U changes (⌬P and ⌬U, respectively), were similar to those of FCWis. The PA FCWis and BCWms, and their accompanying ⌬P and ⌬U, were all transiently potentiated after an ES. Beat-by-beat PA FCWis-BCWms wave area, ⌬P and ⌬U relationships were highly linear (R 2 Ն 0.91) with slopes of 1.36 -1.47 (P Ͻ 0.001), consistent with the presence of a vasoconstrictor component in PA BCWms. PA-PT BCWms area and ⌬P and ⌬U relationships were also linear (R 2 Ն 0.77) with slopes of 0.23-0.64 (P Ͻ 0.001). These results indicate that the fetal PA BCWms contributes to beat-to-beat regulation of not only PA but also PT hemodynamics.fetal pulmonary blood flow; fetal pulmonary blood pressure; postextrasystolic potentiation IN THE FETUS, ONLY ϳ10% OF the right ventricular (RV) output entering the pulmonary trunk (PT) passes into the pulmonary arterial (PA) bed, with the remainder crossing the ductus arteriosus into the descending aorta (11,37,38,44). In association with this low level of pulmonary perfusion, the fetal PA blood flow profile demonstrates forward flow in early systole, but flow then falls abruptly in midsystole, despite PA blood pressure continuing to rise (25,38). In a recent study (43), we examined the physiological basis of this unusual flow profile using wave intensity (WI) analysis, an approach based on the premise that cardiovascular function is accompanied by the propagation of infinitesimal wavefronts defined by their pressure (P) and velocity (U) effects (4, 30), with the product of changes in P and U in the time domain (i.e., WI) related to the instantaneous energy carried by the wavefronts. Steady-state WI analysis indicated th...