Supernovae (SNe) are responsible for the elemental enrichment of the galaxy [1, 2]. High-mass core-collapse SNe are postulated to leave behind a black hole (BH) [3, 4]. In a stellar binary the BH can accrete back its own debris, emit X-rays, and eject winds [5]. Measuring abundances of elements in the outflow, or of the companion [6, 7], can lead to inferences about the historical explosion and identify the long-gone progenitor of the black hole [8]. Here, we exploit a uniquely rich X-ray spectrum of the binary GRO J1655-40 [9-11] to measure seventeen different elements in its wind. The wind is unusually rich in odd-Z elements, such as Na, Al, P, Cl, and K. Such a composition has been predicted for core-collapse SNe of metal-rich massive stars of 40 M⊙ [12, 13], but never before observed. The ionization distribution in the wind [14, 15] features two distinct regions, which reflect changes in its radial profile, and perhaps entrainment of pristine circumstellar supernova debris. It can also explain why the wind differs in composition from that of the stellar companion, where SN debris is mixed with its atmosphere [7]. The difference between the current BH mass of 6.6 M⊙ and theoretical estimates for its birth mass of ∼ 3 M⊙ date the supernova at least 10 million years back if it grew by accretion.