Due to the complexity of the Automotive Electromagnetic Compatibility legislation in force, this article aims to describe a simplified overview of several technical standards relating to conducted immunity tests on electronic sub-assemblies, where communication lines are involved. The discussed automotive standards reported in this article are: ISO 11452-1 and ISO 11452-4 for continuous narrowband electromagnetic fields immunity test, bulk current injection and tubular wave coupler, IEC 61000-4-5 for immunity against surge events, IEC 61000-4-4 for electrical fast transient/burst events immunity, ISO 10605 for electrostatic discharge events immunity, ISO 7637-2 and ISO 7637-3 for transient disturbances events immunity. For each cited standard, disturbance bandwidth evaluation was performed. Practical examples are reported, with analysis and discussion of some of the adoptable disturbance countermeasures applicable on controlled area network communication lines, and possible design advantages and disadvantages with different types of filtering and suppression circuit solutions.