Abstract. This article presents the results of numerical and computer modeling of the flat closed conductor with different variants of arrangement. The interaction of the conductors is examined and the results of active and reactive part of the Poynting vector for each structure is presented. According to the results the model with identical parameters for each element was built and examined for the presence of metamaterial properties.
IntorductionBack in the late 1960s, V.G. Veselago predicted the unique properties of materials with a negative real part of the permittivity and permeability [1]. Later, a special interest was aroused by the works of D. Pendry of the possibility of developing "superlenses" allowing overcoming the diffraction limit [2].Previously, the authors of this work presented the possibility of metamaterial creation for the radio range as an artificial composite medium made up of a certain oriented linear and circular conductors [3,4]. Such a medium may have a negative refractive index. In the theoretical consideration of the works above stated the approach of not interacting elements has been introduced. For more complete analysis when creation of the structure with the properties of the metamaterial it is necessary to consider the influence of elements on each other at the incidence of a plane wave [5].
Modelling the interaction of confined conductorsThe problem of the circular conductors' structure arrangement is sufficiently capacious. It is necessary to select geometric dimensions of the elements, their orientation, and the distance between them. To estimate the interaction between the individual elements of the array we will consider Poynting vector along the axis of distribution of the incident plane wave [6,7].To consider the active (Re(P)) and reactive (Im(P)) parts of the Poynting vector it was provided a modeling using CST Microwave studio software package. This product allows considering different characteristics of the electric (E) and magnetic (H) fields.