We exhibit some general bounds on the free energy W (J) in an SU(N) gauge theory, where J b µ is a source for the gluon field A b µ in the minimal Landau gauge, and W (J) is the generating functional of connected correlators, expW (J) = exp(J, A). We then specialize to a source J(x) = h cos(k •x) of definite momentum k and source strength h, and study the gluon propagator D(k, h) in the presence of this source. Among other relations, we prove ∞ 0 dh D(k, h) ≤ √ 2k, which implies lim k→0 D(k, h) = 0, for all positive h > 0. This means that the system does not respond to a static color probe, no matter how strong. We also present numerical evaluations of the free energy W (k, h) and the gluon propagator D(k, h) for the case of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in dimensions 2, 3 and 4 which are consistent with these findings, and we compare with recent lattice calculations at h = 0 which indicate that the gluon propagator in the minimum Landau gauge is finite, lim k→0 D(k, 0) > 0. These lattice data together with our analytic results imply a jump in the value of D(k, h) at h = 0 and k = 0, and the value of D(k, h) at this point depends on the order of limits.