i. Br.Flussigkeiten 1 Mischungen / Molekiilstruktur / Partielle Strukturfaktoren / Rbntgenstrukturuntersuchung Liquid SiCI,, liquid GeCI, and mixtures SiCI,/GeCI4 are investigated to yield partial structure factors and pair correlation functions for a liquid tetrachloride system, applying the method of chemical substitution to obtain independent x-ray diffraction experiments. The properties of the liquid system and the experimental results correspond to the criteria of applicability of the method. -X-ray diffraction investigations were performed with the pure components and three differently concentrated mixtures at 20°C. The molecular structure was determined by best fit procedures. The model parameters compare quite favourably with those of the literature. The three partial structure factors of pairs ZZ, ZL, LL were calculated from the five linear equations after separating the intramolecular contributions. Z refers to the molecular centre, L to the chloride atom. From the structure factors the partial pair correlation functions are accessible. The range of orientational correlation was estimated making use of the experimental results.