From the past two decades, SiGe transistors have been identified as excellent candidates to match requirements both for high purity signal generation and high frequency applications. Moreover, SiGe BiCMOS technology takes benefit of CMOS devices that allow high integration levels for Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMIC) Phase Locked Loop (PLL) systems. This work focuses on the only analog circuit of a PLL: the Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) is one of the key stone of a transceiver, because its stability mainly influences the data rate of the channel. X-band and K-band VCOs are investigated. Design rules are thus compared for two different topologies in the X-band. K-band VCO is also designed to assess the technology behavior for higher frequencies. State of the art results are obtained and compared with the best published performances to date. New expressions of Figures Of Merit (FOM) are proposed to provide an accurate comparison between designs featuring scattered performances.
IntroductionBiCMOS SiGe technologies offer great opportunities due to the high integration level with both analog and digital circuits operating at high frequencies, and also base-band modules matched to modern telecommunication systems' requirements. Moreover, the high performance (low noise, high operating frequency,…) associated with the relative low-cost gives advantage to such technologies in comparison with III-V foundries. The low frequency flicker noise (1/f) of SiGe Heteronjunction Bipolar Transistors (HBT) allows the design of MMIC voltage controlled oscillators (VCO) featuring excellent phase-noise: we present different VCO designs manufactured using the STMicroelectronics BiCMOS 0.35 µm and 0.25 µm processes for X-band and K-band applications.The paper is divided in three main sections. In the first part is presented a comparison between the reflection architecture (negative resistance) and the parallel feedback architecture operating in X-band. The second section presents the push-push differential oscillator in K-band. The last section proposes a comparison of this work with state of the art MMIC circuits: a new figure of merit (FOM) is introduced.