We show how Nft electromag netic form factors can be parametrise d ~n a simple way to take account of their known behaviour at threshold. Using such form factors and Breit-Wign ers to represent the final state interaction we calculate the imaginary parts of the invariant amplitudes for ·the process eN--+ eNn, the real parts are calculated from fixed t dispersion relations. The complete amplitudes are then fit to the coincidence data in the resonance region ( O< I ~·1 < 1.0 ~ ~ ~ W < 2 Ge..;} in order to determine the form factor parameters . Results are presented for the A 1 dependence of the resonant multipoles and in particular we find stable results critical discussion is given of the effect of theoretica l uncertaint ies on the results. We use our results to calculate the helicity asymmetry A on the resonant peaks seen in eN scattering and find that on the 2nd and 3rd peaks A changes sign in the vicinity of Although there is a lot of data for the total inelasti c cross section in the resonanc e region 1 only the properti es of the 1st resonanc e, the P 33 CI232), are well understo od. In the absence of data from polarise d targets res·ananc e informat ion could be used to examineBloom-G ilman duality (I) more fully, for example. The behaviou r of " the nucleon and N form factors also provides a very searchin g test of constitu ent models (2) The exclusiv e process of single plan electrop roductio n eN_. eN" is one of the most fruitful sources of informat ion on resonanc e structur e. The properti es of the P 33 (1232) have been largely determin ed by studying coincide nce data on ep_. ep rr~. Some coincide nce data exist at higher energies and a number of explanat ory calculat ions have been made using fixed t dispersi on relation techniqu es ~;vith some success (3) notable being the extractio n of the pion form factor from data on ~ '(4,5)~p ~ $"' il just above the resonanc e regionRecently the situatio n has improved in two ways which will enable real progress to be made on extract:i ng the detailed behaviou r of the N ir resonanc e form factors. The first and obvious one 1.s that a lot more coincide nce data on both ep-~ epl'i 0 and ep · ;..e,"n+ is availabl e in the resonanc e region and rr.uch more can be expected in the next few years. The second is that we now have reliable multipol e analyses of In this paper we will describe the determination of N • resonance form factors from coincidence data on eN_, eNK . Section II is devoted to the choice of form factors. Section III describes the method based on the resonance saturation of fixed t dispersion relations, with special attention to the uncertainties present in such an approach. We give a brief description of the data in section IV. The results are given 1n section V (numerical details in appendix B) and we conclude with a discussion of the results in section VI.
II. Form FactorsThe subject of the choice of electromagnetic transition form factors for particles with spin has a long history (?), We will be guided by two principles, convenience...