A new method to determine semi-analytical solutions of one-dimensional contaminant transport problem with nonlinear sorption is described. This method is based on operator splitting approach where the convective transport is solved exactly and the diffusive transport by finite volume method. The exact solutions for all sorption isotherms of Freundlich and Langmuir type are presented for the case of piecewise constant initial profile and zero diffusion. Very precise numerical results for transport with small diffusion can be obtained even for larger time steps (e.g., when the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition failed).
Mathematical modelThe main goal of this paper is to construct precise semi-analytical solutions of the nonlinear convectiondiffusion problem with adsorptionand boundary conditionsHere,where one can assume that δ = 1. The mathematical models (1)-(3) can represent contaminant transport in equilibrium mode with the sorption isotherm (u) = F(u) − u (see, e.g., [9]). The corresponding mathematical model isMost common forms of (nonlinear) sorption isotherms are Freundlichand Langmuirbut one can also consider isotherms of mixed type280 Comput Geosci (2006) 10: 279-290Equation (1) can be written in the form,where the function F (u) ≥ 1 can be viewed as a (nonlinear) "retardation" factor of the convective and diffusive transport.In the case of F (0) = ∞ [i.e., for (4) and (6) with 0 < p < 1], the solution of (1) can have a sharp front with a finite speed of propagation [27]. Moreover, the convective term can be dominant and thus the creation of shocks can be expected even for smooth initial data. Nevertheless, because of the presence of (small) diffusion D 0 > 0, the solution of (1)-(3) is regular and sharp shocks (as known for hyperbolic problems) can not develop in a finite time -see, e.g., [15].Precise numerical solutions of (1) are required, for instance, if one wishes to solve inverse problems (e.g., to determine the diffusion D and the sorption isotherm) or to test numerical methods for this type of problems. Most numerical methods so far are based on regularisation and/or upwinding procedures and they can produce undesirable artefacts in numerical solutions. The main goal of this paper is to avoid any regularisation of F(u) and to significantly decrease numerical dispersion. Consequently, precise numerical solutions of (1)-(3) can be obtained even for the case of vanishing diffusion and for very large retardation factor F (u).Characteristics-based numerical discretisations of contaminant transport with nonlinear adsorption were described in [3,4,8,15], and upwind-based discretization methods for the same type of problems in [6,22]. Asymptotic formulas for large-time behaviour of the exact solution of (1) were obtained in [7, 10], but they can not be used directly in discretization methods.The method presented in this paper is based on operator splitting, where nonlinear transport and nonlinear diffusion are solved separately along each time stepsee, e.g., [12]. The transport part is solved exactl...