The orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) allows survival of children followed for severe hepatic injury, provided that the immunosuppressive treatment is prolonged. The nephrotoxicity of cyclosporine predicts the long-term outcome of the adult patients receiving a liver transplant. The aim of this study was to determine the long-term outcome of renal function in children receiving OLT. This study included 12 children, with a median for age of 7.1 yr (2-15 yr) at the time of OLT. The duration of follow-up was at least 4 yr, being 7 yr in 10 patients and more than 10 yr in seven. Renal function was evaluated with the serum level of creatinine, calculated glomerular filtration rate (cGFR), and measurement of glomerular filtration rate using chrome 51 ethylenediaminetetraacetate ((51)Cr EDTA) clearance performed at least once during follow-up. The doses and the serum concentrations (C(0)) of cyclosporine were reported at each study time. The cGFR decreased significantly 2 yr after the OLT [median (range): 106 mL/min/1.73 m(2) (71-150) at the time of OLT vs. 85 mL/min/1.73 m(2) (57-128) 2 yr after the OLT, p = 0.03], and decreased again between 7 and 10 yr after OLT [median (range): 99 mL/min/1.73 m(2) (76-125) 7 yr after OLT vs. 81 mL/min/1.73 m(2) (66-140) 10 yr after OLT, p = 0.04]. Six patients developed chronic renal failure (cGFR from 57 to 80 mL/min/1.73 m(2)) 2 yr after OLT associated with high doses of cyclosporine [median (range): 8.8 mg/kg/day (3.5-13)]. The cGFR overestimated renal function by 16% compared with the isotopic measurement of GFR (p = 0.03). Using the (51)Cr EDTA measurement, six of seven patients followed up more than 10 yr after OLT presented mild (n = 3) or moderate (n = 3) chronic renal failure. In our study, the majority of OLT recipients developed a chronic renal failure 10 yr after transplantation. Cyclosporine seems to be the most important factor responsible for the impairment of renal function. The use of the mycophenolate mofetil, a new immunosuppressive agent, allowing a reduction in the dose of cyclosporine, could minimize renal dysfunction. While awaiting the results of a prospective long-term study, close drug monitoring is advised.