With the prospect of autonomous driving on roads in near future, it is paramount to make the vehicles safe on any driving and road condition. This is only possible by additional sensors to make up for the driver's cognitive and sensory system. Measuring road condition and tire forces especially in autonomous vehicles are vital in their safety, reliability, and public confidence in automated driving. Real time measurement of road condition and tire forces in buses and trucks can significantly improve the safety of road transportation system, and in miming/construction and off-road vehicles can improve performance, tire life, and reduce operational costs.There are three particular branches of research in the area of tire condition monitoring systems (TCMS) including estimation, sensing, and power harvesting. The main focus of this review article would be on progress in estimation techniques, energy harvesting, and also sensing approaches for TCMS based on piezoelectric, electromagnetic, and triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs). Indeed, the fusion of these three areas in a singular package leads to designing future intelligent tires. The implementation of intelligent tires is highly advantageous for reduction of disastrous accidents,CO 2 , and noise emissions, and also fuel consumption. Figure 1 depicts an intelligent tire with its basic parts, its crucial applications, and advantages. In Figure 1, NGs, PEGs, and EMGs refer to nanogenerators, piezoelectric nanogenerators, and electromagnetic generators, respectively.Advances in applications of sensor technologies, sensor fusion, and cooperative estimation in intelligent transportation systems facilitate having reliable tire forces. Consequently, developing a flexible estimation structure to operate the available sensor data in production vehicles is a preeminent objective of the car manufacturers. In this direction, reliable estimation of tire forces at a reasonable cost is necessary for proper functioning of active safety systems in current vehicles. Longitudinal, lateral, and vertical tire forces make major contributions to velocity estimation, [3] traction and stability control, [4,5] and obstacle avoidance systems. [6,7] This article provides a comprehensive review on intelligent tire and TCMS. The first part of the article describes tire models, techniques for tire force, and tire-road friction The quest to utilize intelligent tires has prompted substantial multidisciplinary research including vehicle dynamics, control, estimation, energy harvesting, and even nanotechnology. This review article presents the progress in the area of tire condition monitoring systems (TCMS) and intelligent tires using devices fabricated based on piezoelectric, electromagnetic, and triboelectric effects. Three main branches of the research in this area are presented, including estimation techniques, sensing, and energy harvesting approaches. The authors delineate the importance of TCMS for vehicle active safety systems, its importance for transportation safety, and also its remarka...