A plasma gun Is described and evaluated as an emission source suitable for direct solid sampling methods of spectrochemlcal analysis. Atomization occurs In the radially confined current-carrying portion of the plasma, and emission Is measured In the expelled, cooling plasma plume; this allows both spatial and temporal segregation of these competing processes. Temporally and spatially resolved spectroscopic studies of the emission from the plasma gun source are presented. The Initial plasma front Is expelled from the discharge tube at about 3000 m/s and then slows to about 700 m/s at a height of 8-10 mm. Plasma formation and Implosion processes result In the expulsion of a sharp, rapidly propagating pulse of plasma, which appears to combine or collide with plasma that Is being continuously expelled due to the oscillatory heating and cooling of the plasma In the discharge tube. Spatially resolved emission measurements show significant Increases In both continuum and line emission at heights greater than 10 mm. It Is suggested that this behavior Is due to both collislonal and optical reexcftatlon processes. It Is shown that masking of emission from the lower regions of the plume (0-10 mm) and gating emission from the plume after the first current half-cycle (after about 75 µ•) can enhance V(II) line-to-background ratios by almost 10-fold.AppNcatlon of the source to the direct qualitative analysis of a USGS reference rock sample (MAG-1, Marine Mud) Is presented.