coNtrol of the StArt of hIGh-PowereD electrIc DrIVeS wIth the oPtIMIzAtIoN IN terMS of eNerGy effIcIeNcyPurpose. To develop engineering solutions providing the improved energy efficiency of starters of highpowered electric drives through automatic selection of the best starting settings to increment its technicalandeconomic indices.Methodology. Developing a mathematical model to determine energy efficiency index of starting sequences which is invariant relative to the electric drive type as well as a design of the starter. Planning the experiments with the use of rotatable central com posite design. Analyzing extreme experimental search engine in terms of the mathematical model.findings. Implementation of a subsystem has been proposed to identify the integral value of expending resources as well as a cumulative effect of a starting sequence, its duration, and energy efficiency index. A variant of hardware implementation of the extreme search engine has been proposed to control the start of highpowered electric drives.originality. It has been defined that the proposed structure for a start control is an invariant one relative to the electric drive type and to a starter design. Availability of the unique global maximum of energy efficiency index, resulting from the controlling action and disturbing action, has been substantiated.Practical value. Alternatives for hardware implementation of devices to identify quantitative values of some of the components of expending resources of a starting sequence, integral cost estimate of expending resources and a cumulative start results, as well as its energy efficiency index have been formulated. A structural circuit of the extreme search engine to control start of highpow ered electric drives has been designed, providing performance within a region of maximum.