A stream of nearly identical droplets of CaCI, or Mn(N-0,),-4H20 solution is introduced along the axis of a N,0-C2H, flame supported on a circular slot burner. Radial scans of the emission intensity of Ca and Mn at various heights in the vapor cloud are used to obtain information on the size and shape of the cloud as well as on changes in the total number of emitting species with height in the cloud. Results for Ca show a more than 50 YO decrease in intensity 70 mm above the origin of the vapor cloud relative to 19 mm where the intensity is maximum. It is shown that much of this decrease in neutral-atom line intensity can be accounted for by the effect of mass action on ionization as the vapor clouds from the individual solute particles expand by isotropic diffusion. Further, it is shown that diffusion is slow relative to convection as a mass transport process. This permits the extension of the mass-action controlled ionization concept to conventional nebulizers, where ionizatlon interference frequently is observed to increase with increasing height above the primary reaction zone in the flame.Because of the relatively high temperature of the NzO-C2H2 flame, ionization interferences are frequent and often severe (1-3). Values of degree of ionization of 83% and 9% for Ca and Mn, respectively, were reported by Kornblum and deGalan ( I ) . They also reported greater ionization 10 mm above the burner head than at 4 m m for a 5-cm slot burner. This was attributed to a relaxation effect from kinetically controlled ionization.Ionization interferences generally are observed to increase with increasing height in the flame above the primary reaction zone (1,4-7). This has been observed for both circular and slot burners and has been attributed to a decrease in electron partial pressure with increasing distance from the primary reaction zone (8) and, more frequently, to kinetically controlled ionization processes (1, 5 , 7 ) .Ashton and Hayhurst (9) presented a diffusion model for a point source of free atoms in Hz-O2-NZ flames. Their model accounted for metal atom loss through ionization by assuming a first-order, rate controlled ionization process. They assumed that the free electron partial pressure, as well as that of the metal ion, was so low that the reverse or recombination reaction could be neglected. Clearly, this is not the case in the higher temperature N20-C2H2 flame, where ionization of metals may be extensive and the electron partial pressure in the unsalted flame may be as high as lo4 atm well above the primary reaction zone ( 2 ) .Bastiaans and Hieftje ( 7 ) , in a study of individual solute particles in an air-CzHz flame, observed -15% decrease in Ca neutral-atom line intensity a t 8 cm above the vapor plume origin relative to 2 cm. Their experimental arrangement permitted all measurements to be made at the same height in the flame, thereby minimizing problems associated with axial temperature gradients in the flame. The decrease in Ca free atom population was attributed to kinetically controlled ionization...