Abstract. Let T be a bounded operator on a complex Banach space X. Let V be an open subset of the complex plane. We give a condition sufficient for the mapping f (z) → (T − z)f (z) to have closed range in the Fréchet space H(V, X) of analytic Xvalued functions on V . Moreover, we show that there is a largest open set U for which the map f (z) Introduction. Let X be a complex Banach space and denote by B(X) the algebra of bounded linear operators on X. For T ∈ B(X), let σ (T) denote the spectrum of T, and denote by Lat (T) the collection of closed T-invariant subspaces of X. If M ∈ Lat (T), we write the restriction of T to M as T| M .A basic notion in local spectral theory is that of decomposability. Given an open subset U of the complex plane C, T ∈ B(X) is said to be decomposable on U provided that for any open cover and [12]. That for each T ∈ B(X) there exists a largest open set U on which T is decomposable was first shown by Nagy, [11].An alternative characterization of decomposability may be given in terms of a property introduced by E. Bishop,