Two simple and fully analytical models are presented for a SMA bar or wire of circular cross section subjected to fully-reversed cyclic torsional loading, by taking into consideration the reorientation of the martensitic variants occurring during unloading and reverse loading. The process is assumed to take place at constant temperature between the start temperatures of the martensitic and austenitic transformations. In the first part of this work, the same shear modulus is taken both for Martensite and Austenite. In the second part, different elastic shear moduli are considered for the two phases. The volume fractions of both positive and negative twisted Martensite are assumed to evolve linearly with the shear stress. The bar is initially in a state of Austenite. As the applied torque is increased the martensitic transformation starts from the outer surface and then it extends inwards. If the maximum applied torque is large enough, then the complete Martensitic transformation takes place in the outer region of the cross section. During unloading and subsequent reverse loading the martensitic reorientation process may occur starting from the boundary between the fully martensitic outer region and the intermediate transforming region. Particular attention is focused on modeling the unloading and reverse loading processes. At each stage of the process, the radial distributions of shear stress and Martensite variant are calculated analytically. A closed form relation between the applied torque and the angle of twist is presented for the entire process in the case of equal shear moduli, and only for the loading and elastic unloading stages in the case of different shear moduli. The approach is then validated against analytical, numerical and experimental results available in the literature for the direct loading-unloading process. Application to the seismic response of dissipative systems based on SMA helical springs is also envisaged.