Names of countries given after Members' names are in accordance with the IUPAC Handbook 1991-93; changes will be effected in the 1994-95 edition. Abstract -The development of combinations of liquid chromatography with mass spectroemtry in an on line fashion has come to a stage where such combinations become part of routine procedures for the analysis of a broad variety of samples. Since several technically very different interfaces have been devised in recent years, the major types are briefly discussed, even though it becomes more and more clear that only a few will survive. The most outstanding device appears to be the atmospheric pressure sources with electrospray and chemical ionization, since it covers many areas of chemical analysis in terms of polarity, lability and molecular weights. The attempt has been made not only to give a picture of the techniques, but to indicate by means of a few examples, how useful the different devices are and where they are at their limits. Furthermore, the criteiia are indicated which may be applied to make a choice on the basis of analytical requirements and technical and financial possibilities.