In recent years a large number of coronary artery disease risk factors were discovered. The knowledge of these factors improves the estimate of the coronary artery disease (CAD) risk--however it still remains to be only an "estimate". A perfect prediction of an upcoming CAD event is not possible, despite all high score laboratory technology. Therefore the use of specialized laboratory procedures should be applied carefully. Knowing the blood levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL- and LDL-cholesterol and Lp(a) can be sufficient for many therapeutical decisions. Severe dyslipidemia, familial CAD and CAD without any obvious reasons demand a more specialized work-up, however, risk stratification factors such as family history, clinical history (CAD, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoker) and genetics are crucial, apart from the above mentioned laboratory values. Purely on the basis of the lipidologic baseline concentrations we can't give well based recommendations for the treatment of individual patients. Currently there are expert systems available which allow a risk estimate once important laboratory values (LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, Triglycerides) as well as clinical data (blood pressure, family history, clinical history) are available. This system can be accessed by internet under "http:/(/)".