This report presents part of the results of a geochemical survey of the Delta 1° x 2° quadrangle, Utah. Geochemical samples were collected as one of several multidisiplinary studies associated with the Conterminous United States Mineral Assessment Program (CUSMAP). Other publications in the geochemical portion of this survey include the results of analyses of heavymineral concentrate samples, which were collected at many of the same locations as the stream-sediment samples (Arbogast and others, 1989). In addition, mineral resource assessment studies of several Bureau of Land Management Wilderness Study Areas have recently been completed in the Delta quadrangle, and include geochemical data that supplement the results presented here. Specific areas in these reports include the Fish Springs Range (Lindsey and others, 1989a; Arbogast and others, 1988a) and Swasey Mountain/Howell Peak (Lindsey and others, 1989b; Arbogast and others, 1988b) Wilderness Study Areas. Rooky Mountain 114 112 Figure 1. Location of the Delta 1° x 2° quadrangle, west-central Utah (shaded), major mountain ranges 1n the quadrangle, and the Intersection of the Basin and Range, Rocky Mountain, and Colorado Plateau physiographic provinces, Utah. CM, not detected; <, TABLE 2. RESULTS OF ANALYSES OF STREAM SEDIMENT SAMPLES detected but below the limit of determination shown; >, determined to be greater than the value shown.