ABSTRAK Tahun 2017 WHO menempatkan Indonesia sebagai negara ketiga prevalensi stunting tertinggi di Asia, pada angka 36,4 persen. Angka tersebut lebih rendah 5,6 persen, dari hasil Riskesdas tahun 2013, 37,2 persen, tahun 2018, 30,8 persen (Kemenkes, 2018), hasil survei Status Gizi Balita Indonesia (SSGBI) tahun 2019, mencapai 27,7persen (itsojt, 2021). Dari data survei BKKBN turun menjadi 24,4 persen (Purbaya, 2022). WHO menetapkan angka 20 percent sebagai standar batas maksimal toleransi (Eko, 2022), olehnya itu perlu kerja keras untuk menurunkan stunting. Kabupaten Gresik prevalensi stunting balita, 11,1 Persen (2019), 12,4 persen (2020). Dahanrejo adalah desa yang berada di wilayah Kecamatan Kebomas Gresik, ditetapkan sebagai desa Zero Stunting (Dinkes Gresik, 2020). Kondisi tersebut yang melatarbelakangi tim berkewajiban melakukan pendampingan dalam mempertahankan predikat desa zero stunting. Tujuan kegiatan adalah keberhasilan menyosialisasikan program “Senar Kuat” yang merupakan salah satu dari empat program Pemerintah Daerah Gresik dalam upaya cegah stunting, memfasilitasi pembukaan ruang konseling gizi dan kesehatan reproduksi melalui media sosial Instagram serta memperkenalkan produk healthy food berbahan kelor. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi dan pendalaman, sosialisasi, implementasi serta memfasilitasi program, selanjutnya mengedukasi dan pendampingan kepada warga. Tim menyosialisasikan program “Senar Kuat” karena Informasi tentang program tersebut belum tersebar dan belum dipahami oleh warga desa Dahanrejo.Kesimpulan nya adalah Tim Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik sebagai bagian dari tatanan Penta Helix , dimana terdapat pelibatan lima unsur yaitu pemerintah, masyarakat, akademisi, pengusaha, dan media dalam pembangunan nasional dalam upaya cegah stunting telah berkontribusi bersama masyarakat dan pemerintah melakukan pendampingan, mengedukasi, mumbuka ruang konsultasi melalui media sosial Instagram @sesigizi.id. Kata kunci: Senar Kuat, Stunting, Media Sosial Instagram, Healthy Food ABSTRACT In 2017, WHO placed Indonesia as the third country with the highest stunting prevalence in Asia, at 36.4 percent. This figure is 5.6 percent lower than the results of Riskesdas in 2013, 37.2 percent, in 2018, 30.8 percent .(Kemenkes, 2018), the results of the 2019 Indonesian Toddler Nutritional Status (SSGBI) survey, reached 27.7 percent (itsojt, 2021). From the BKKBN survey daa, it fell to 24.4 percent(Purbaya, 2022). WHO sets the figure of 20 percent as the standard maximum tolerance limit (Eko, 2022) therefore it takes hard work to reduce stunting. Gresik Regency prevalence of stunting under five, 11.1 percent (2019), 12.4 percent (2020). Dahanrejo is a village located in the district of Kebomas Gresik, designated as Zero Stunting village (Dinkes Gresik, 2020). This condition motivated the team to provide assistance in maintaining the title of a zero stunting village. The purpose of the activity is the success of socializing the "Senar Kuat" program which is one of the four Gresik Regional Government programs in an effort to prevent stunting, facilitating the opening of a nutrition and reproductive health counseling room through Instagram social media and introducing healthy food products made from Moringa. The method used is observation and deepening, socialization, implementation and facilitating the program, then educating and providing assistance to residents. The team socialized the “Senar Kuat” program because the information about the program had not been spread and had not been understood by the residents of Dahanrejo village.The conclusion is that the Muhammadiyah Gresik University Team as part of the Penta Helix order, where there is the involvement of five elements, namely the government, the community, academics, entrepreneurs, and the media in national development in an effort to prevent stunting have contributed together with the community and the government to provide assistance, educate, open space consultation via social media Instagram @sesigizi.id Keywords: Senar Kuat, Stunting, Social media, Instagram, Healthy Food