The Digital Governance Strategy formulation process in Cape Verde, an archipelagic African country with a remarkable EGOV background, was recently carried on in a partnership between the Government Agencies, the Academy, Private Sector Entities, and Civil Society Personalities. The endeavor resulted in a strategic official document, approved in technical and political instances, including the National Committee for the Digital Strategy. As a first step, the initial strategy formulation process has been improved, generating a new one, composed of five delimited stages: Diagnosis and Context Analysis; Definition of the Vision; Definition of Intervention Areas; Definition of the Objectives; and Definition of Structuring Pillars. After a period of six months of teamwork, supported by the Action Research Approach, it resulted in the new Cape Verde strategy for the 2021-2023 period. This paper highlights the characteristics of the improved process, which can benefit other countries due to its consistency, cohesiveness, and reusability potential.