There is a problem of excessively large sub-module capacitance in modular multilevel converter (MMC) applications for medium-voltage motor drive systems, which is particularly noticeable during the low-speed operation of the motor. This paper proposes a low-capacitance MMC (LC-MMC) motor drive system based on lateral sub-module interconnection, achieving capacitance lightweighting across the wide speed range of the motor. The LC-MMC is based on the three-phase symmetrical fluctuating current input of the sub-modules in the interconnection channel, achieving their mutual cancellation, thus significantly reducing the sub-module capacitance size. This paper starts from the traditional MMC motor drive system and analyzes its specific requirements for sub-module capacitance. Then, it provides a detailed description of the LC-MMC scheme for achieving capacitance lightweighting across the wide speed range of the motor, and the two MMC motor drive systems are compared and evaluated. The evaluation results show that the volume of the LC-MMC is reduced by nearly 70% compared to a traditional MMC. Finally, the LC-MMC scheme is simulated and experimentally verified.