Nearly 1.3 million people die in road crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day. In 2013 in European Union more than 22 % of all who died in road traffic crashes were pedestrians. The number of pedestrians killed on roads in the EU has decreased by only 11 %, compared to the total fatality decrease of 18 % from 2010 to 2013. Of all pedestrian fatalities, 69 % are killed inside urban areas. This paper reviews the literature concerning pedestrian-motor vehicle collision and road safety management according to pedestrian role in accident rise. Paper examine pedestrians safety in order to determine what kind of factors of transport infrastructure, vehicle technical parameters, pedestrian behaviour and road or street category have the influence on pedestrian and vehicle accidents and identify technical reasons of accidents rise. Pedestrians crossing, crossing selection, crossing design and waiting times present the pedestrian role in accident according to road situation. A review is conducted of information in the literature on the injury outcome of a pedestrian/vehicle collision for a given impact speed and the likely consequences of reducing the travelling speeds of vehicles in terms of the frequency and severity of pedestrian injuries. Technical information found gives the opportunity to improve accident reconstruction cases and technical parameters, also it let to identify road infrastructure problems and pedestrian behaviour in road.