Henriques for their guidance and support throughout this work. Their supervision and expertise within the field has been an inspiration during this time and has made my work both enjoyable and stimulating. This report is the result of a long process, with many tiring days, late nights working with the programming codes, sleepless nights, joyful moments of getting good results, sadness when something went wrong suddenly. This thesis is dedicated to my dear supervisors.At the same time, I would like to thank the two reviewers for their valuable comments based on which I can significantly improve my thesis.Throughout my Ph.D program, I am grateful for receiving the various kinds of support from Sergi Trilles Oliver and Auriol Degbelo. Without their helps, my research work would have not been successful.Along with the professors, my colleagues are an important part of motivation. I would like to thank Diego, Mehdi, Fernando, Manuel and Mijail for giving me helps and inspirations.My parents and my fiancée, Bich Diep, are the ones I often talked to when I felt most tired or frustrated. They always encouraged me to go forward, relieved me of worries and sadness. Without them, it was impossible for me to finish this thesis work.v Palabras clave: detección participativa, comportamiento del usuario, incentivos, participación ciudadana, compromiso del usuario, ciudad inteligente.