Today, we completely rely on Information Technology (IT) applications for every aspect of daily life, including business and online transactions. In addition to using these IT-enabled applications for business purposes, we also use WhatsApp, Facebook, and a variety of other IT applications to communicate with others. However, there will undoubtedly be a drawback to every benefit. Since everything is linked to the Internet, there are many opportunities for security to be compromised. To address this, we are working to identify security threats early on in the software development process, specifically during the requirements phase. During the requirement engineering process, an engineer can recognize the security specifications in a more structured manner to create threat-free software. In our research work, we suggest the Identification of Security Threats during Requirement Engineering (ISTDRE) technique for detecting security risks throughout the requirement engineering process. The four points that make up this ISTDRE technique are Hack Point (HP), Speculation Point (SP), Trust Point (TP), and Reliable Point (RP). The new ISTDRE methodology will be validated using a case study of an ERP system involving two currently used methodologies: Model Oriented Security Requirements Engineering (MOSRE) and System Quality Requirements Engineering (SQUARE).