Objective: Hospitals allocate approximately 35% of their budgets to pharmaceutical and material stocks in order to provide uninterrupted health services. For this reason, hospital managers spend a lot of time and effort in order to keep a minimum level of stock so as not to disrupt health service production and thus to better manage the limited resources of the enterprise. The aim of this study is to group the drugs according to their financial value and vital importance. In this way, it is aimed to perform stock management in the least costly, errorfree and effective way.
Method: In the study, data corresponding to one-year (2021) consumption of a total of 1327 items of drugs were analyzed. The total cost is approximately 83 million ₺. In this study, an ABC-VED cross-analysis was performed on the one-year drug consumption data of a university hospital with 853 beds in order to provide an example of a more controlled inventory structure.
Results: According to the results, it is seen that the ratio of drugs in the first category, that is, drugs that are both high cost and vital for the patient, to the total drug item is 38%. The cost of these drugs constitutes 87% of the total cost.
Conclusion: Taking into account the classifications put forward in the study, strict monitoring of a small number of drugs and regular weekly counts will make drug stock management much easier for managers.