The cutaneous blood-supply of the limbs is ensured by three types of arteries: the large septo-cutaneous arteries, the slender musculocutaneous arteries, and the rare satellites of the cutaneous nerves. The skin cover of the outer aspect of the leg is particularly well vascularized thanks to its special situation, centered on the intermuscular septa bounding the outer compartment of the leg. Neuromuscular arteries are rare at this site, but there are numerous septo-cutaneous arteries at intervals along the septa. This anatomic study is based on 20 dissections and a radiologic survey and provides findings confirming the reliability of a distally based lateral leg flap. This pedicle arises from the fibular artery behind and the anterior tibial artery in front. It is situated, on average, 10.8 cm from the lateral malleolus, thus allowing coverage of peripheral losses of substances at the malleoli and heel.